
Menampilkan postingan dari Maret, 2020

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                                      Learning activities at home  Hi friends here I will tell you some of the activities that I do when learning at home. To be honest with this learning at home there are fun and also bored. For the pleasure I can lie down satisfied and also enjoy time with family, but to get bored is that a lot of tasks are given online and there are some deadlines that must be resolved. Sometimes I also I was happy with the assignment, but many of my friends had difficulty going to online classes and also online assignments which they thought were very strange. I also sometimes felt tired because I tried several times what was instructed by the teachers, and I thought that with this task we can utilize our mobile very well and also add new experiences. For other activities that I help parents to clean the house and also do not forget to pray. During learning at home ...
                                        CORONA COVID-19 What is Covid-19? Covid-19 is a disease caused by the infection of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, first identified in Wuhan city, in the Hubei province of China in December 2019. Covid-19 has spread to various countries in the world, including Indonesia. The number of positive cases of corona virus (Covid-19) in Indonesia continues to grow. Covid-19 was previously known as Novel 201 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) of respiratory disease, before the World Health Organization (WHO) declared its official name as Covid-19 in February 2020. Symptoms of Corona Virus Corona virus infection or COVID-19 can cause sufferers to experience flu symptoms, such as fever, runny nose, cough, sore throat, and headache; or symptoms of severe respiratory infections, such as high fever, cough with phlegm and even bleeding, shortness of breath, and chest p...
                Tugas ekonomi tentang BUMN dan BUMD Pengertian BUMN Istilah dari BUMN pada dasarnya merupakan singkatan dari frasa kata ‘Badan Usaha Milik Negara’. Apabila diartikan secara singkat maka BUMN itu merupakan sebuah perusahaan atau pun lembaga usaha yang sepenuhnya atau pun sebagain besar sahamnya itu dimiliki atau dikuasai oleh pemerintah atau pun negara. BUMN ini merupakan salah satu jenis perusahaan yang terdapay di Indonesia. Perusahaan BUMN ini merupakan sebuah perusahaan yang seluruh atau pun sebagain besar modalnya itu dikuasai serta juga  dimiliki oleh Negara. Apabila dibandingkan dengan perusahaan lainnya, perusahaan BUMN ini cenderung didirikan untuk memberikan pelayanan terbaik serta juga termurah kepada masyarakat, menciptakan lowongan pekerjaan baru kepada masyarakat, dan juga mencari keuntungan dari aktivitas usaha yang dijalankan (keuntungan merupakan poin terakhir). Menurut Undang – ...