The Legend of Mount Bromo In a village not far from Mount Bromo, there lived a beautiful girl. His name is Rara Anteng. That said, when the girl was born, did not cry like a baby in general. Therefore, he is called Rara Anteng. The Javanese word anteng means not moving or calm. Many young people applied for Rara Anteng, but all were rejected. There was a giant who had a bad face. His eyes are so big. Mustache, beard, and sideburns are very bushy. The giant also applied for Rara Anteng. Rara Anteng was very scared, he was afraid to declare his rejection because the giant would definitely be angry. Rara Anteng said, "O giant, I want you to edit, as long as you are willing to fulfill my request!" "Ha ha ha,... !" the giant laughter roared. "Say it quickly, I will definitely fulfill your request!" "Change this Bromo mountain into a lake that you must finish overnight," said Rara Anteng. "Before daybreak a...